Health Data for Global Monitoring of the COVID-19 Pandemic – Historical Background and Preliminary Analysis by Nathan Genicot

Il contributo dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità nella gestione della crisi sanitaria by TOMMASO ALESSIO SALEMME

“I want to break free”: the WHO Foundation as an Experiment in the Financing of International Organisations by Helmut Philipp Aust and Prisca Feihle

Gender Inequalities and Violence Against Women’s Health During the Covid-19 Pandemic: in International Law Perspective by S. De Vido

Les États-Unis se retirent de l’Organisation mondiale de la santé by Jean-Marie Crouzatier

Capacity-Building, International Cooperation, and COVID-19 by Matiangai Sirleaf

Brevi considerazioni sul ruolo dell’OMS nel contrasto alla pandemia di Covid-19 by Simonetta Izzo

L’OMS e la pandemia: incertezzee contraddizioni by Giuseppe Franco Ferrari

L’Organizzazione mondiale della sanità alla provadell’emergenza sanitaria Covid-19 by Pia Acconci

Increasing the Legitimacy of the World Health Organization by Oswald Jensen

A Critical Appraisal of the World HealthOrganization’s International Health Regulations (2005) in Times of Pandemic: It Is Time for Revision by Morten BROBERG

COVID-19 and the WHO’s Political Moment by Samantha Besson

The WHO: The Guardian of Human Rights during Pandemics? by Rana Moustafa Essawy

The Collapse of Global Cooperation under the WHO International Health Regulations at the Outset of COVID-19: Sculpting the Future of Global Health Governance by Allyn L. Taylor and Roojin Habibi

IHR 2005 in the Coronavirus Pandemic: A Need for a New Instrument to Overcome
By Jaemin Lee

The USA and the World Health Organization: What has President Trump actually decided and what are its consequences? by Gian Luca Burci

Justified Border Closures do not violate the International Health Regulations 2005 by Caroline Foster

COVID-19 & the International Health Regulations: the Fallout of a Multinational Framework? by Lauren Tonti

Il Regolamento Sanitario Internazionale dell’OMS alla prova dell’emergenza Covid-19 by Giulia Perrone

La Dichiarazione di pandemia di COVID-19 dell’OMS: implicazioni di governance sanitaria globale by Ilja Richard Pavone

The Role of International Health Regulations in Combating COVID-19 by Heidi Eissa

WHO proposes framework for handling pandemics by CMAJ 

Prime considerazioni sull’effettività delle risposte normative dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (Oms) alla diffusione del Covid-19 by Pia Acconci 

The New World Health Organization by Walter R. Sharp 

Do not violate the International Health Regulations during the COVID-19 outbreak by Vv.Aa.

A review of documents prepared by international organizations about influenza pandemics, including the 2009 pandemic: a bibliometric analysis by Vv.Aa.   

Why the WHO is failing and how to fix it by Tsung-Ling Lee

Global Health in a Turbulence Time: A Commentary, by Tsung-Ling Lee

The Missing Operational Components of the IHR (2005) from the Experience
of Handling the Outbreak of COVID-19: Precaution, Independence, Transparency and
by Chang-Fa Lo

The pandemic case for supra-national governance: A redux di Pranoto Iskandar

Pandemics and Other Health Emergencies di J. Benton Heath

The Law of the WHO, COVID-19 and the Multilateral World Order by Armin von Bogdandy, Pedro Villarreal

International Law on Pandemic Response:A First Stocktaking in Light of the Coronavirus Crisis di Armin von Bogdandy & Pedro A. Villarreal – 2MPIL RESEARCH PAPER SERIES No. 2020-07

Prime considerazioni sull’effettività delle risposte normative dell’Organizzazione Mondiale della Sanità (OMS) alla diffusione del COVID-19 di Pia Acconci
