

Information from the Commission concerning the non-application of certain provisions of Regulation (EU) 2020/698 by Hungary COVID-19 outbreak (Regulation (EU) 2020/698 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 25 May 2020 laying down specific and temporary measures in view of the COVID-19 outbreak concerning the renewal or extension of certain certificates, licences and authorisations and the postponement of certain periodic checks and periodic training in certain areas of transport legislation OJ C 183I , 3.6.2020

Decreto governativo 40/2020. (III.11.) sulla dichiarazione dello Stato di pericolo & Legge XIII sul contenimento del virus – Versione italiana a cura di Angela Di Gregorio

Act XII of 2020 of March 31, 2020 On Protecting Against the CoronavirusEnglish Version

Legge organica n. 12 del 30 marzo 2020 sulla protezione contro il Coronavirus (Italian Version)

Disegno di legge organica T/9790 del 20 marzo 2020 sulla protezione contro il Coronavirus (English Version)

Motivazioni (indoklás) della Legge organica n. 12 del 30 marzo 2020 sulla protezione contro il Coronavirus (English Version)

Legge n. 128 del 2011 sulla gestione delle catastrofi naturali (Ungarian Version)

Decreto n. 74 del 31 marzo 2020 su alcune misure procedurali in vigore durante un’emergenza (Ungarian Version)

Casa Law

Rassegna giurisprudenziale UNGHERIA aprile 2021

Rassegna Giurisprudenziale UNGHERIA Luglio 2020

Comments and Papers

Covid-19 and the responsiveness of the Hungarian constitutional system – Fruzsina Gárdos-Orosz

La pandemia Covid-19, in Polonia e in Ungheria, come possibile occasione per intensificare la mutazione illiberale delle istituzioni by Jan Sawicki

COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland: extraordinary situation and illiberal constitutionalism by Tímea Drinóczi & Agnieszka Bień-Kacała

L’Ungheria di fronte all’emergenza da Covid-19: debolezza del quadro giuridico,
militarizzazione dell’emergenza e controversie sulle misure economiche
by Simone Benvenuti

HUNGARY AND THE RULE OF LAW. The law of the European Union and Hungary’s Act XII of 2020 on the containment of coronavirus and Decrees issued thereunder by TIMOTHY OTTY QC, THOMAS DE LA MARE QC, EMILY NEILL & GEORGE MOLYNEAUX

From Emergency to Disaster. How Hungary’s Second Pandemic Emergency will Further Destroy the Rule of Law by Gábor Halmai, Gábor Mészáros, Kim Lane Scheppele

Showdown at the Last Chance Saloon. Why ostracising the representatives of a Member State government is not the solution to the Article 7 TEU impasse by Kieran Bradley

Polonia e Ungheria – Comparative Covid Law – Video scheda by Jan Sawicki

Can Parliament Exercise Effective Control over the Emergency Legislation? by Dániel Karsai

COVID-19 and Labour Law: Hungary by Tamás Gyulavári

Orbán is Still the Sole Judge of his Own Law by Gábor Halmai & Kim Lane Scheppele

Let’s not fool ourselves either!Some remarks on Professor Halmai’s and Professor Scheppele’s blogpost by Dániel Karsai

Why Hungary’s Emergency Violates Rule of Law by Gábor Halmai & Kim Lane Scheppele

How COVID-19 Unveils the True Autocrats: Viktor Orbán’s Ermächtigungsgesetz, by Gabor Halmai

Ungheria, il parlamento conferisce pieni poteri ad Orbán. Gábor Halmai (IUE): «Si va verso un regime autoritario», di Vittorio Maccarrone

Understanding Hungary’s Authoritarian Response to the Pandemic di Laura Livingston

What should the EU do about Hungary?

Fighting Fake News or Fighting Inconvenient Truths? On the Amended Hungarian Crime of Scaremongering di Csaba Győry

Fifteen Hungarian economists speak out about Orbán’s stimulus package

Viktor Orbán is Using the Coronavirus Emergency to Crush Minorities di Imre Szijarto – Rosa Schwartzburg

Hungary’s Orbánistan: A Complete Arsenal of Emergency Powers di Kriszta Kovács

Hungary’s Enabling Act: Prime Minister Orbán Makes the Most of the Pandemic di Renáta Uitz

Decrees that have nothing to do with the coronavirus pandemic di E. Balogh

A New Risk to the EU from Coronavirus: Viktor Orbán’s Hungary di Rácz, András

Orban, Visegrad e il volto autoritario del coronavirus di Matteo Tacconi

Illiberal Consti­tutionalism at Work. The First Two Weeks of COVID-19 in Hungary and Poland di Tímea Drinóczi – Agnieszka Bień-Kacała

Orban’s Emergency di Kim Lane Scheppele

Pandemic as Constitutional Moment. Hungarian Government Seeks Unlimited Powers di Renáta Uitz

Legal scholars and opposition politicians condemn Orbán’s “Enabling Act”, 22 Marzo 2020 di E. Balogh

Chairman Hastings Denounces Unchecked Power Granted To Hungary’s Prime Minister Orban

Spokesperson for the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights: Rupert Colville, Press briefing note on Hungary

EP stands up for democracy in Hungary during COVID-19

Letter from Council of Europe Secretary General Marija Pejčinović Burić, for the attention of Viktor Orbán, Prime Minister of Hungary

Contrasto al COVID-19 e/o demolizione dello Stato di diritto? Le misure ungheresi e la Convenzione europea di Pasquale De Sena

COVID-19, misure emergenziali e Stato di diritto di Paola Mori

L’Ungheria e i pieni poteri a Orbán. Aspetti problematici di una possibile “Koronadiktatúra” di Jan Sawicki

La protezione dello stato di diritto nell’unione europea ai tempi del coronavirus: se non ora, quando?, di Federico Casolari

Sulla legge organica ungherese n. 12 del 30 marzo 2020 «sulla protezione contro il coronavirus», di Simone Benvenuti

Contrasto al covid-19 e/o demolizione dello Stato di diritto? le misure ungheresi e la convenzione europea, di Pasquale De Sena

Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak in the EU – Fundamental Rights Implications in Hungary di Milieu Consulting SPRL

Il rispetto della rule of law al tempo del COVID-19: gli inquietanti provvedimenti adottati in Ungheria e la nuova legge elettorale polacca di Gaspare Fiengo e Andrea Circolo

Remarks on the effects of the coronavirus pandemic on the Hungarian contract law di Adam Boóc

L’emergenza Covid-19 in Ungheria. Proclamato lo stato di pericolo. Il Parlamento conferisce poteri eccezionali al Governo, di Cristiano Preiner