Hong Kong

Comments and Papers

COVID-19’s Impact on Civil and Political Rights: Reflections from Hong Kong by Surya Deva

Policymaking in a low-trust state: legitimacy, state capacity, and responses to COVID-19 in Hong Kong by Kris Hartley & Darryl S. L. Jarvis

Five Reasons to Question the Legality of a National Security Law for Hong Kong by Johannes M.M. Chan

Overview of the Compulsory Quarantine Regulations in Hong Kong

Novel Coronavirus: Key considerations for insurers in Hong Kong

Overview of the Prohibition on Group Gatherings in Hong Kong

COVID-19 Related Circulars or Guidance (Non-Exhaustive) Published By Financial Services Regulators of Hong Kong (Last Updated: 14 April 2020) 

HKMA and HKMCI Introduce Further Initiatives to Support SMEs in Light of the COVID-19 Outbreak 

COVID-19 – The “No Redundancy” Undertaking under the Employment Support Scheme in Hong Kong

COVID-19 – Government Support for Construction Sector in Hong Kong

Government Support for Employers in Hong Kong

Covid-19 – Government Support for Employers in Hong Kong: Further Information

Hong Kong Competition Commission Issues Statement on Collaborative Arrangements between Competitors Amidst COVID-19

Fear of Unaccountability vs Fear of a Pandemic: COVID-19 in Hong Kong di Geoffrey Yeung

Case Law

Rassegna Giurisprudenziale ESTREMO ORIENTE Ottobre – Dicembre 2020

Hong Kong High Court, 22 maggio 2020 – Horsfield Leslie Grant and Others v. Chief Executive of the HKSAR and Others, [2020] HKCFI 903

Hong Kong High Court, 9 aprile 2020
Leung Kwok Hung v. Secretary of Justice, [2020] HKCA 192.
