L’impatto dell’emergenza Covid-19 sull’economicità delle aziende e i riflessi in tema di continuità aziendale by MARCO LACCHINI, SIMONE MANFREDI, MATTEO PALMACCIO, FLORINDA PETRECCA
Guerra (e pace) degli Aiuti nel dopo-Covid-19 by Igor Pellicciari
Gli aiuti di Stato alle imprese in crisi da Coronavirus by FRANCESCO FIMMANÒ
Exploitative Pricing in the Time of Coronavirus—The Response of EU Competition Law and the Prospect of Price Regulation by Penelope Giosa
How should competition policy react to coronavirus? by Andrew Tyrie
Pandémie de Covid-19 et actions en indemnisation des entreprises lésées par des aides d’État illégales ou incompatibles avec le marché intérieur by Marc Barennes
EU State Aid Law and Consumer Protection: An Unsettled Relationship in Times of Crisis by Kati Cseres & Agustin Reyna
Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on European Antitrust. Mere Adaptations or Real Changes? by Václav Šmejkal
Increasing prices for COVID-19 relevant products and certain pharmaceuticals may violate competition law by Rune Hamborg & Jacob Borum
Model Timing Agreement for Merger Reviews involving Efficiencies by COMPETITION BUREAU CANADA
Emergenza e concorrenza di Pietro Manzini
Entre assouplissement et intensification : le droit de la concurrence à l’épreuve des vents contraires du coronavirus by Walid Chaiehloudj
Some Unresolved Aspects of the Australian Competition Approach to COVID-19 by John Kettle
Economic Nationalism and Merger Control: Impact of COVID-19 by Tanya Macrae
Antitrust in Times of National and Global Emergencies by Reiko Aoki
Convergence in the Time of Cholera: What Lies Ahead for the International Antitrust Agenda by Vinicius Marques de Carvalho
Politiques de concurrence et crise du covid-19; Premières réponses de la Commission européenne et de l’Autorité de la concurrence by Laurence Idot
China’s Coming Upheaval. Competition, the Coronavirus, and the weakness of Xi Jiping by Minxin Pei
A Response to Eidenmüller’s Defense of Regulatory Competition in the Fight against COVID19 di Marco Ventoruzzo
L’influenza del COVID-19 sulla politica di concorrenza: difese immunitarie o anche altro? by Luca Calzonari
Competition Policy After COVID-19 by Ismael Beltrán Prado
COVID-19 and Competition Law – Companies Must Not Quarantine Competition Law Compliance by Christopher Thomas, Christian Ritz, Stefan Kirwitzke & Raphael Fleische
Antitrust and Power: The State, the Market, and the Virus by Eleanor Fox
Avoiding Price Gouging, Price Fixing and Other Antitrust Risks During the COVID-19 Pandemic by Carl Hittinger & Ann Marie O’Brien
Some Unresolved Aspects of the Australian Competition Approach to COVID-19 by John Kettle
Competition in “Lockdown” After the Attack of COVID-19 in Australia by Jessica Apel & Barbora Jedlickova