European Convention on Human rights

Advisory Committee on the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities  Statement on the COVID-19 pandemic and national minorities, adopted on 28 May 2020

European Convention on Human Rights

COVID-19: Testing the Limits of Human Rights by Alessandra SPADARO

El Consejo de Europa y el COVID-19 (coronavirus) by Jorge Antonio Climent Gallart

Coronavirus et état d’urgence sanitaire : la Convention européenne continue de s’appliquer by Olivier Baillet

La mise en quarantaine de la Convention européenne des droits de l’homme by Frédéric Sudre

International Human Rights Law and COVID-19 States of Emergency by Cassandra Emmons

The Whos, the Whats, and the Whys of the Derogations from the ECHR amid COVID-19 by Patricia Zghibarta

Dissecting Covid-19 Derogations by Niall Coghlan

Derogating from the European Convention on Human Rights in Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: If not Now, When? by Alan Greene

Strengthening the supervision of ECHR derogation regimes. A non-judicial avenue di Georgiana Epure

Coronavirus: guidance to governments on respecting human rights, democracy and the rule of law di Council of Europe

European Court of Human Rights

Il primo impatto sui diritti sociali dell’emergenza Covid19 in Europa e la risposta delle istituzioni sovranazionali by Bernardo Antonio Masso

Emergenza sanitaria e articolo 15 CEDU: perché la Corte europea dovrebbe intensificare il sindacato sulle deroghe ai diritti fondamentali by Roberta Lugarà

What Can the European Court of Human Rights Do in the Time of Crisis? di Kanstantsin Dzehtsiarou

Herd Immunity and Lockdown: The Legitimacy of National Policies Against the Pandemic and Judicial Self-Restraint by the ECtHR by Vassilis P. Tzevelekos